When Is It Time For Custom Orthotics?

Custom orthotics are orthotic inserts that are specifically designed and made for your personal feet. They are inserted into your shoes and can be moved from one pair to another, always fitting to your foot and making your feet more comfortable and supported to prevent further injuring your feet or to treat foot issues. If you have been diagnosed with foot issues such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, or falling arches, you may want to consider using orthotics. [Read More]

Common Issues That Signal Dated Medical Billing Processes

Advancements and updates in your urology clinic should not be limited to patient care. It is equally important that you make updates to your billing practices and processes at the same rate. A failure to upgrade these processes can lead to a range of financial scenarios that all target one thing — the bottom line. Learn about some of the troublesome, dated practices your clinic should aim to avoid. Single-Level Contact [Read More]

Tips For Managing Life With Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a serious problem that involves some loss of bladder control. The degree and severity of loss can vary from one person to the next. Furthermore, this issue can have a variety of causes. These might include being overweight, the use of specific medications, damage to the nerves, and more. In many cases, urinary incontinence can be treated. The type of treatment is dependent on the cause of the condition, its severity, and various other factors. [Read More]

Putting The Patient First: Why An Accredited Surgical Site Is The Way To Go

You've booked an appointment for your elective surgery and feel ready to undergo the procedure. Have you first ensured that your surgical center is accredited? Unlike unaccredited sites, these locations offer guaranteed protocols and standards that put the patient first. Read on for three reasons why choosing an accredited surgery center is the best choice to make when it comes to your well-being and safety as a patient.  A Clean Environment [Read More]