What You Should Know About Gallbladder Issues

If you are like most people, your gallbladder is not likely something that is on your mind much of the time. Most people don't give their gallbladder any thought and some might not even know that they have one. However, when you have gallbladder problems or issues, you become keenly aware of that area of your body. Get to know some of the facts you should be aware of about gallbladder issues. [Read More]

The Advantages of Offering a Walk-In X-Ray Scanner for Patients

Many primary care and specialty physicians' offices offer a limited number of appointments each day. When those appointments get filled, patients have to wait several more days or even weeks to get on the schedule. However, when patients need to have x-rays taken, they may not have that amount of time available to them.  To serve patients who need tests done on a quicker basis, you can make available a walk-in x-ray scanner services. [Read More]

Preparing For Your Breast Augmentation Procedure

To enhance your appearance, raise your self-esteem, or improve the fit of your clothing, breast augmentation may be your answer. This type of surgery typically involves the insertion of breast implants, however, fat transfers from other parts of your body are sometimes used to enlarge the size of the breasts. Because the augmentation procedure is an invasive surgical procedure, there are some things you should do beforehand to help ensure a non-eventful recovery. [Read More]

Complementary Treatments For Lumbar Disc Herniation

If you have a herniated lumbar disc, then you may have excruciating pain that radiates down your legs. Your legs and feet may also feel numb, and you may develop tingling sensations. Your pain specialist may prescribe a short-term course of narcotic pain medications, however, these may not be appropriate for chronic pain. Here are some complementary treatments for lumbar disc pain, which may improve your symptoms so that you can take less medication. [Read More]