Benefits Of Keeping The Same Family Doctor, Even If You Move

If you've recently moved across the city, or perhaps even farther, you might be thinking about finding a new family doctor. It's often ideal if you can go to a physician who is just a short drive from where you live or work, and if your current doctor is a lengthier drive away, you may feel as though it's time to find a new one. Before you make this decision, however, it's a good idea to consider a few advantages of keeping the same family doctor. [Read More]

Fair Skin, Spider Veins, Vein Injections, And You: How This All Works

People most likely to suffer from spider veins, those tiny, wriggly veins close to the surface of your skin, are those with very fair skin. The veins go hand in hand with people who blush easily, flush hot often, and burn easily too. The veins can be seen in the thighs, cheeks, and sometimes the breasts/chest, too. If this sounds a lot like you, you may want to consider treating the spider veins with spider vein injections. [Read More]

Understanding Differences Between MRI And MRA

If you need to go through some sort of diagnostic imaging to help your physician identify a disorder or illness, then there are a variety of tests that your doctor can order. MRIs and MRAs are both common, and while both of these types of imaging scans seem as though they might be the same thing, they are not. Keep reading to learn about some of the differences between an MRI and an MRA. [Read More]

Surgical Concerns For Elderly Individuals

If you have an elderly parent or grandparent who requires surgery, then a general surgeon may be the professional who completes the operation. This individual will need to understand your loved one's specific needs when planning the procedure. If you want to know more about this, then keep reading to understand some of the specific risks the professional will need to take into consideration. Comorbidities Comorbidity is a term used to describe the presence of two different chronic ailments or illnesses at once. [Read More]