Palmar hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by excessively sweaty palms. While everyone's palms get sweaty sometimes, people with this condition experience profuse sweating that gets in the way of their normal activities. The excessive sweat can even make it hard to pick up objects. Many non-surgical treatments are available to get this excessive sweat under control; here are three non-surgical treatments that your doctor may recommend.
Antiperspirants are the main topical treatments for excessive sweating of the palms.
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Three Ways To Find The Best Home-Caregiver Match For You And Your Family
If you're searching for a home caregiver for a family member, you have to do more than just call and set up times for people to come by. When you arrange for in-home care, you have to take the caregivers' lives into account as well as possible mismatches in terms of what each person is expecting. These three actions and considerations will help you find a caregiver -- or more than one caregiver -- who will be the best match.
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Tennis Elbow Is No Joke
Tennis elbow is actually a serious condition that can cause sufferers a great deal of pain. However, tennis elbow can happen to anyone who overuses the tendons in their forearm and the pain is no joke. If you notice symptoms in this area of your arm, you need to seek treatment.
Causes and Symptoms
Repetitive motion, such as hitting tennis balls, can cause tennis elbow. However, you can develop the condition from non-sports activities.
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Three Options To Consider When Your Parent Can No Longer Live On Their Own
If your parent has recently reached a point in their life where they can no longer live alone, it may be time for you and your family to make a decision as to where your mother or father should live. It will be a difficult decision to make and there are a lot of factors to take into consideration to ensure that your parent will receive the care that they need.
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