Minimizing Scarring After Skin Cancer Surgery

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US with one in five Americans developing it within their lifetime. Skin cancer can be prevented by avoiding the sun and being diligent about using sunscreen. Luckily there are many effective treatments for skin cancer. The types of surgeries used to treat skin cancer include excision, Mohs surgery, curettage and electrodesiccation, and even cyrosurgery. While these surgeries are effective and removing the cancer, they can also leave scarring. [Read More]

Treating Your Rheumatoid Arthritis: Options For You

When you go to your doctor due to chronic and worsening joint pain, you may not expect to come back with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. However, if this is what happens when you head to the doctor, your next logical step is to figure out whatrheumatology treatments are available for your condition and which of these treatment options will work best for you. Get to know some of your treatment options so that you can get your arthritis pain under control and get back to feeling like your vibrant and active self once again. [Read More]

3Excellent Health Benefits Of Acupuncture

If the numbers are any indication, a lot of people are beginning to learn about and take advantage of the benefits of acupuncture. As an example, approximately 3.1 million received acupuncture treatments in the year 2007, which accounted for a million person increase over a 5-year span. If you have heard about this wonder treatment but have not yet gotten the chance to take advantage of it, perhaps you need some more information to fill you in. [Read More]

What A First-Time Parent Should Know About Getting A Baby Immunized

Are you a parent who just had your first baby? If you want to start off on the right track with keeping your baby healthy, you may want to get him or her immunized. Find out in this article what you should know about the importance of immunization shots, as well as what a pediatrician is estimated to charge to administer them. How Can Immunization Shots Help a Baby Grow Up Healthy? [Read More]