What You Should Know About Septic Arthritis

Body aches and pain in the joints are common symptoms of numerous health issues and common communicable viral infections like the various strains of influenza and even sometimes the common cold. However, there are some times when joint pain can be a symptom of another health problem entirely. Septic arthritis is a condition that is little known to the general public but can cause serious pain and discomfort in the joints. [Read More]

Sepsis: What Is It And How To Avoid It

If you have pneumonia or some other infection, you may be vulnerable to sepsis, a common complication caused by bacteria in your blood or tissues. In a worst case scenario, your major organ systems can shut down, and you can die. If you are older or have a compromised immune system, you are more likely to contract this condition. As a result, you need to know what it means and how it's treated. [Read More]

Botox: A Multi-Use Treatment Regimen

Although people generally tend to associate botulinum toxin–commercially known as Botox–as a treatment for wrinkles, it isn't only used cosmetically for smoothing crow's feet and frown lines. Botulinum toxin products is an approved treatment for a variety of medical problems. When other treatments fail, your doctor may recommend Botox to treat any of the following conditions. Lazy Eye Lazy eye, which is often first detected in early childhood, means that one eye has poor vision. [Read More]

4 Tips for Beating Substance Abuse

If you are currently dealing with a substance-abuse problem, and you want to treat it, you should know how to do so successfully. When you are unable to stay on a focused track, it makes beating substance abuse almost impossible, and that is why many people relapse. Here are four tips to help you beat substance abuse as you go through substance-abuse treatment. Sign Up for More Than Substance-Abuse Treatment: If you have other problems, such as dealing with depression, marriage problems, or even financial problems, it's important to address these issues as well. [Read More]