Roberta Porter

4 Tips for Beating Substance Abuse

If you are currently dealing with a substance-abuse problem, and you want to treat it, you should know how to do so successfully. When you are unable to stay on a focused track, it makes beating substance abuse almost impossible, and that is why many people relapse. Here are four tips to help you beat substance abuse as you go through substance-abuse treatment. Sign Up for More Than Substance-Abuse Treatment: If you have other problems, such as dealing with depression, marriage problems, or even financial problems, it's important to address these issues as well.

5 Reasons Women May Need A Urologist

Because of the emphasis on prostate problems in men and possibly the stigma about urinary care, urologists have been seen by many as a doctor only men need to see. However, urologists can and do help women with all kinds of problem. Here are 5 common reasons for a woman to see a urologist.  UTIs A urinary tract infection can be very painful and can cause problems with passing urine and even with sex.

Compounding Oxytocin Injections During The Ongoing Drug Shortage

Oxytocin is an essential hormone responsible for human bonding and many other psychological processes, and it is also particularly valued as an injection for triggering labor in maternity wards. Unfortunately, over the past few years, several oxtyocin manufacturers halted their production of these injections. This ongoing development issue is leading to shortages across the nation, leaving many medical professionals without the resources they need to adequately care for their patients. Thankfully, your medical facility should still be able to source the oxytocin it needs with the help of a sterile compounding pharmacy, such as Premier Pharmacy Labs.

3 Things You Can Do To Prepare For A Breast Surgery

Many women choose to get a breast augmentation surgery. This is a great way to get the body that you have always wanted and feel more confident about your figure. If you choose to get a surgery it is important that you do what you can to ensure the best results possible.  Here are some things you need to do to prepare for your surgery. 1. Prepare Your House For The Recovery

Tips For Caring For A Partner With Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease

When your partner has been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease, your relationship can go through a series of changes. At some point, you will most likely serve as one of the caregivers for your partner. Taking on the role of caregiver is challenging and can be emotionally and physically taxing. If your partner has early-onset Alzheimer's, here are some caregiver tips to keep in mind.  Focus on Communication As the disease progresses, you and your partner might experience challenges with communication.

These Clues Could Suggest That You Have A Fissure

The health of your anus might be something that you rarely think about, but it's important to be alert for any clues that could suggest something is wrong. Even if you feel slightly shy about admitting that you have a problem "down there," it's a good idea to visit your family doctor as soon as you experience an irregularity. An anal fissure -- a small tear around your anus -- is a health situation that many people experience due to constipation and other related issues.

3 Ways To Help Speed Up Healing After Cataract Surgery

If your latest eye exam revealed an opacity in one or both of the natural lenses in your eye, you probably have cataracts, especially if this finding is accompanied by blurred or hazy vision. Cataracts may also affect the way you see colors, making them look less vibrant. If you do have cataracts, you will likely require cataract laser surgery. While recovery from cataract surgery is usually rapid and uneventful, there are certain things than can speed your healing:

What To Know About Getting Tested And Treated For Cataracts

If you're experiencing cloudy or dim vision that has gotten worse over the years, you may have cataracts. Cataracts tend to get worse over time, and they can even cause you to lose your sight entirely. Fortunately, diagnosing and treating cataracts is fairly simple. It all starts with an eye exam. Here's what you can expect. The Comprehensive Eye Examination If you suspect you have cataracts, your eye doctor will probably do a comprehensive eye examination.

Dealing With Postpartum Sciatic Pain? What Are Your Treatment Options?

If you developed sciatic nerve pain during your pregnancy, you're not alone -- many moms-to-be start to experience a stabbing or burning sensation as the growing baby presses painfully on these nerve fibers. While most pregnancy-induced sciatica resolves itself after you give birth, in some situations you may find yourself dealing with severe back pain and stiffness even months after your child's birth. What are your best treatment options for postpartum sciatic pain?

How Pediatric Asthma Can Lead To Body Pain

If your child has been diagnosed with pediatric asthma, consider family chiropractic services to help improve your little one's symptoms. While you probably know that asthma can cause wheezing, increased sputum production, shortness of breath, and coughing, you may be surprised to learn that it can also lead to muscle and bone pain. Natural methods of relieving body aches can complement the efficacy of your child's asthma treatment plan in relieving symptoms and restoring comfort.