Roberta Porter

How Physical Therapy Can Help After A Car Accident

In the immediate moments, as well as the next couple of days, following a car accident, you're going to go through a lot of different thought processes. It's important that you seek an initial medical evaluation at the scene, even if you don't believe that you're hurt. Sometimes the adrenaline of the accident can mask pain from injuries, so it's important that you are assessed by medical professionals. Then, you may want to consider auto injury therapy even if you didn't suffer a serious injury.

Learn More About Parkinson's Treatment Options

If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, you may know that there are challenges ahead of you. While the medical field has made many advancements, there is still a lot to learn about treating this condition. The good news is that there may be a treatment option that helps you manage your symptoms and prevent the progression of the disease. These are some options that may be available to you.

Pointers For Using Your Medical Marijuana Card For The First Time

Getting your medical marijuana card is a wonderful experience. But do you know what's even more wonderful? Using your medical marijuana card for the first time! Here are a few pointers to make using your medical marijuana card for the first time an even better, more enjoyable milestone. Research various dispensaries in your area. Even if your doctor recommended visiting a certain dispensary when they issued your prescription, your medical card gives you permission to shop at any medical dispensary in your state.

Understanding The Importance Of Women's Healthcare Services

Health facilities that focus on healthcare for women refer to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect women's physical and emotional wellbeing.   This branch of medicine focuses on diseases that impact females, like gynecological and reproductive issues and disease. For women, medical facilities that they can turn to for regular screenings are vital to overall health. Why The Focus On Women's Health? While every individual's health and well-being are important, a woman's health impacts more than just herself.

How Medical Spa Services Can Enhance Long-Term Health

Ensuring one's health and longevity is a critical task that can be challenging to accomplish. Hazards such as disease, poor air quality, poor diet, chemical exposure, and more can threaten to compromise an individual's health. Unfortunately, many traditional health solutions can be quite costly to patients, and some only offer short-term results. Fortunately, many alternative options have emerged to give patients affordable treatment that positively impacts their health for the long term.

Why Suboxone Is A Popular Treatment Option For Drug Addiction Recovery

When it comes to addiction treatment, Suboxone clinics have become a popular option for many. While it's important to remember that Suboxone treatment isn't an immediate cure, many patients find that this approach to addiction recovery is more effective than some of the other options. Here's a look at some of the reasons why Suboxone treatment is successful for addiction recovery issues. Suboxone Eases Withdrawal One of the biggest benefits of Suboxone treatment for addiction is that Suboxone eases your withdrawal symptoms.

Benefits Of Concierge Virus Testing

If you have to test for a potential virus, whether it's for work or traveling to a foreign place, you want to use the most convenient form of testing that you can find. That's what concierge virus testing is able to provide because the testing comes to you, which offers a lot of advantages.  Don't Have To Travel Anywhere If you used standard virus testing, you would have to visit a facility or health clinic that offers this testing.

Advice For Those Using CBD Gels For Muscle Recovery

If you live an active lifestyle or are even an athlete, you may experience muscle soreness from time to time. It doesn't have to remain if you rely on CBD gel, a product that can have amazing healing results in a short period of time. If you plan on incorporating this product into your healing regimen, take these precautions. Avoid Applying to Any Wounds You may have a couple of wounds on your body and they're important to monitor when using CBD gels for muscle relief.

Why Everyone Who Lives With Chronic Pain Needs To Visit A Pain Management Clinic

Across the country, millions of Americans suffer through their day struggling with one type of chronic pain or another. Some people carry old sporting injuries that never fully healed, while others have genetic predispositions to joint pain or even worse conditions. Whatever your particular situation is, if you have chronic pain and have not gone to a pain clinic yet then you are depriving yourself of some world-class medical treatment, and not just medication either.

3 Tips To Help You Choose A Weight Loss Program With Exceptional Results

Weight management has become one of the most critical conversations everywhere, particularly on social media and digital channels. The dialogue keeps growing because of the increasing number of people struggling to manage their weight. If you carry a few extra pounds, you might have tried several fads with varying levels of success. However, the disadvantage of most of these fads is that they are a temporary fix, and as soon as you complete the program, your body regains the pounds.