Roberta Porter

What To Expect If Your Doctor Orders A Stress Test

Your doctor may order a stress test if they are concerned about the condition of your heart or if you have recently had chest pain that might indicate a heart condition. A stress test does not mean you have a bad heart; it is a test used to diagnose where the problem lies if you are having symptoms like those of a heart attack or other condition.  Standard Stress Testing

How To Treat Your Eczema

Eczema is a skin disorder that can leave your skin dry, itchy, red, and inflamed. If your eczema is not treated, it can become infected and worsen. Your eczema may become inflamed due to reasons such as dry air, a reaction to chemicals, as well as increased stress and sweat. If you have eczema, it should be treated. Read on for treatment options, and how you can help improve your eczema.

How To Prevent And Plan Pregnancy: 3 Types Of Birth Control To Consider

Birth control is something that people didn't talk about; especially at the dinner table. However, times have changed, and birth control is now something that many families talk about. If you are sexually active but aren't sure where to start when it comes to birth control, this article will discuss three of the most common types and what you should know.  1. IUD  An Intrauterine Device or an IUD is another popular form of birth control.

Dermal Filler After-Care: 5 Common Questions

Forget about invasive procedures. Dermal fillers offer an easy way to smooth fine lines, without having to go under the knife. Fillers, such as Juvéderm, use an injectable gel to add volume and hydration to the facial area. This temporarily smooths the fine lines that age, smiling, squinting and stress can cause. If you're considering a dermal filler, understanding the after-effects and post-care is absolutely essential. So what do you need to know about your face following this type of injection?

Are You A Woman Struggling With Hip Pain? Important Information About Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip pain is more than just an inconvenience. Depending on the cause and severity, pain radiating from the region where the hip socket is located can make walking, sitting, standing, or doing even minor activities painful, uncomfortable, or increasingly impossible to perform. Like many back pain sufferers, those who must deal with debilitating hip pain often rely heavily on pain medications to retain some degree of function in their daily lives.

Baby Blues: What New Parents Should Know About Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is more common than many people realize. In fact, one in nine women may experience postpartum depression according to recent research. If you suspect that you or your partner are experiencing postpartum depression, seeking medical help is crucial. In the meantime, understanding the condition will also help you build compassion for yourself and your partner. Seeing the impact the condition can have may prompt you to seek help sooner.

Benefits Of Keeping The Same Family Doctor, Even If You Move

If you've recently moved across the city, or perhaps even farther, you might be thinking about finding a new family doctor. It's often ideal if you can go to a physician who is just a short drive from where you live or work, and if your current doctor is a lengthier drive away, you may feel as though it's time to find a new one. Before you make this decision, however, it's a good idea to consider a few advantages of keeping the same family doctor.

Fair Skin, Spider Veins, Vein Injections, And You: How This All Works

People most likely to suffer from spider veins, those tiny, wriggly veins close to the surface of your skin, are those with very fair skin. The veins go hand in hand with people who blush easily, flush hot often, and burn easily too. The veins can be seen in the thighs, cheeks, and sometimes the breasts/chest, too. If this sounds a lot like you, you may want to consider treating the spider veins with spider vein injections.

Understanding Differences Between MRI And MRA

If you need to go through some sort of diagnostic imaging to help your physician identify a disorder or illness, then there are a variety of tests that your doctor can order. MRIs and MRAs are both common, and while both of these types of imaging scans seem as though they might be the same thing, they are not. Keep reading to learn about some of the differences between an MRI and an MRA.

Surgical Concerns For Elderly Individuals

If you have an elderly parent or grandparent who requires surgery, then a general surgeon may be the professional who completes the operation. This individual will need to understand your loved one's specific needs when planning the procedure. If you want to know more about this, then keep reading to understand some of the specific risks the professional will need to take into consideration. Comorbidities Comorbidity is a term used to describe the presence of two different chronic ailments or illnesses at once.