There has been much recent media coverage on the use of mammograms, with many claiming that the exposure to radiation and breast compression can actually cause (rather than simply detect) cancer. Others refute these claims and argue that mammograms are the most effective way to detect breast cancer. Are mammograms harmful? When should you seek this treatment? Read on to learn more about mammograms and whether you should seek one.
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Choose Your Tennis Shoes Wisely To Protect Your Knees
Although the human body is made up of a number of different systems everything works together. An issue in one area of the body can easily have repercussions in another. This is particularly true when it comes to your feet and knees. As an athlete, how well you protect your feet will determine the condition of your knees. Choosing your tennis shoes wisely can help ensure you keep your knees in good condition.
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Choosing Colored Contact Lenses
If you're looking to change your eye color, whether it is on a regular basis or for a special occasion, you may opt to buy color contact lenses. However, do you know everything there is to know about using these contacts? Here are four things that you should know before you select color contact lenses.
Step 1: Select the Type of Color Contact Lenses According to Your Eye Color
You will select different types of color contact lenses depending whether your eyes are dark or light.
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Fixing Your Stuffy Nose: What You Should Know
When you suffer from a chronically stuffy nose, you may wonder if there is any cure or solution for you. After all, you have tried all of the standard treatments. From cold medicines to nasal sprays, and everything in between, you have tried. But nothing seems to work. Luckily, there are other potential solutions available to you that can help resolve your chronically stuffy nose once and for all. All you have to do is learn the options available to you to get you breathing free and clear for perhaps the first time in your life.
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