Tips For Managing Life With Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a serious problem that involves some loss of bladder control. The degree and severity of loss can vary from one person to the next. Furthermore, this issue can have a variety of causes. These might include being overweight, the use of specific medications, damage to the nerves, and more. In many cases, urinary incontinence can be treated. The type of treatment is dependent on the cause of the condition, its severity, and various other factors. There are also many things you can do to make life more manageable while you are undergoing or awaiting treatment or if you have a form of incontinence that is not easily treated.

Control Your Liquid Intake

For some people, limiting or otherwise controlling liquid intake can be helpful for managing urinary incontinence. Before you take this step, you should speak with a doctor about whether or not it is advisable for you. If it is, a professional can tell you how to safely limit the amount of liquid you drink. You may, for example, need to drink only at certain times or in smaller amounts. Or, you might need to change the types of liquids you drink, all of which can be helpful in some situations.

Make Necessary Lifestyle Changes

Some lifestyle choices can lead to or worsen urinary incontinence. For example, carrying excess weight can put pressure on the bladder, which can worsen incontinence symptoms. Similarly, certain exercises or movements can also increase symptoms. Even factors such as drinking alcohol, consuming caffeine, or smoking can potentially lead to an increase in symptoms. Your doctor can help you determine which lifestyle changes, if any, would be beneficial for you.

Consider All Treatment Options

Depending on the type of urinary incontinence you have and its cause or causes, your doctor may suggest a range of treatment options. These could include pelvic floor exercises, stopping the use of certain medications, using new medications, or undergoing surgery. A healthcare professional can talk through each choice with you and let you know which ones would be the best fit for your circumstances and needs.

Urinary incontinence is quite common. Despite this fact, many sufferers feel embarrassed about their incontinence, which can lead them to avoid seeking medical care. However, urinary incontinence should never be ignored as it can indicate a more serious underlying health concern. Either way, you need to know and understand your condition so that you can treat it or successfully manage life with it.
