The Serious Connection Between Sunburns And Vitiligo

Skin conditions can be somewhat mysterious to diagnose and difficult to treat and one of the strangest of them all is vitiligo. A condition that seriously decreases the pigment in the skin, it can be caused by a wide range of problems. In fact, it can even be triggered by sunburns, making it important to understand this vital connection for those who love tanning.

Vitilgio Can Be Triggered By Sunburns

The causes of this skin condition are somewhat mysterious, though they have been connected to genetics and other concerns. A traumatic skin injury could also cause this problem as could exposure to certain industrial chemicals. However, one of the most common triggers of all of these is sunburn which, while not scientifically-tested, has been observed leading to case of this problem.

Just how often does it occur? There aren't any exact statistics on how often sunburns cause vitiligo, but it has been theorized that even a single sunburn could cause this condition. It will be more noticeable in those with darker skin, making it very important to protect skin from the rays of the sun.

Skincare Can Help Prevent This Problem

Those who are concerned with developing this problem need to do self-care as soon as possible to decrease the chance of getting it. Those with very light skin should protect their skin with sunscreen when out in the sun. They should also conceal any skin imperfections, such as moles or high concentrations of freckles.

While this isn't a 100 percent guarantee against developing this condition, it can help keep the more delicate areas of the skin safe from developing it. Even items as simple as makeup have been used in the past to help conceal the skin and protect it from vitigilo.

Treatment Is Possible

While there is currently no cure for this problem, it can be managed by professional dermatologists. When a person develops it after getting a sunburn, it is important to use these methods to restore their natural skin color and help them look better. These treatment methods include:

  • Coverup and makeup options
  • Skin dye that helps balance the whitened areas
  • Topical treatments that help add a little more pigment to the skin
  • Cortisteroids that help increase pigmentation even further
  • Light treatment that helps repigment the skin, even if only sometimes temporarily

By using these simple treatment methods and avoiding the sun, it is possible to avoid developing this condition. While not dangerous or contagious, it is one that requires a strong dermatologist and a careful set of self-care rules. for more information, contact a local skin doctor.
