Understanding Your Risk Of Cataract Development
Cataracts are a common and serious health concern that can affect most anyone, though there are some people at greater risk than others. If you're concerned about your risk for developing cataracts, it's important to understand the contributing factors. The more you understand, the easier it will be to catch early signs. Here's a look at some of the leading factors that can increase your risk of cataracts.
Heredity - A family history of cataract development can put you at greater risk of developing them yourself. In fact, infants can even be born with or develop cataracts early in life. It's in your best interest to familiarize yourself with any family history of cataracts so that you understand your risk.
Age - Although cataracts can affect people of all ages, they are more common in the older adults and the elderly. As you age, your body will slow and some healing and natural recovery processes start to fail. You may notice the development of cataracts over time as you get older, but your eye doctor can help you with vision correction prescriptions and even cataract surgery if needed.
Diabetes - Patients with diabetes may have an increased risk of developing cataracts, particularly because diabetes can affect your eyes in many ways. To avoid or at least minimize this risk, it's important to keep your diabetes under as tight of control as possible. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of nutrients to help keep your eyes and the rest of your body as healthy as possible. Schedule routine eye exams as well to detect early changes.
Eye Injuries - Sometimes, a physical injury or infection in your eye can lead to the development of cataracts. If your cataracts are the result of something like this, you'll need to work closely with your eye doctor and a physician to ensure that you recover from the injury or infection properly. Then, you can address the cataract development to keep it from progressing and affecting your vision.
Medication - If you've been on an extensive steroid treatment regimen, taken diuretics or been exposed to significant radiation, you'll want to talk with your eye doctor about it. He or she can help you evaluate your risk factors of developing cataracts as a result of these things.
With so many different things that can contribute to your risk of cataract development, it's no surprise that some people are caught unaware when they develop them. Talk with your eye doctor or someone at The Eye Center about your risk today.