Nail Fungus Treatment Options

If you have nail fungus under one or more of your nails, you most likely try to hide your hands or toes from view as it can be an embarrassing condition to deal with. There are a few treatment options available to remove fungus from underneath your nails for good. Learn how nail fungus occurs, how to recognize the symptoms, some effective ways of treatment, and how to prevent it from coming back.

Do I Have Nail Fungus and How Did I Get It?

Nail fungus is caused by bacteria that becomes trapped underneath the nail. This bacteria is prevalent in areas of moisture, such as locker rooms, swimming pools, and bath houses. Often athletes will contract this condition since they frequent the locations where it thrives. If someone has athlete's foot, it can spread to the nail region and cause nail fungus.

The signs of nail fungus include nails that appear yellow or green that are thick in appearance. They are often bumpy or rough-looking. If you feel pain when wearing gloves or shoes on the hand with discolored nails, you may have a nail fungus condition.

How Can I Treat Nail Fungus?

Treating nail fungus is best done under the care of a doctor. They will be able to prescribe an oral medication to help kill the fungus under your nails. Your doctor will monitor your progress after you start medication and adjust the dosage if necessary as it sometimes takes several months to remove nail fungus in full.

If you wish to try a topical treatment, you will need to make sure to treat each nail as the fungus can spread from finger to finger or toe to toe very easily. In severe cases, you may have your nail removed surgically to remove the fungus. The new nail may take anywhere from six months to eighteen months to grow back in place after this surgery.

How Can I Avoid Getting Nail Fungus Again?

If medication, topical treatment, or surgery works at removing your fungus, you will most likely be apprehensive about contracting the condition again. To help minimize the risk of a re-infection, always wear sandals or shoes in areas where moisture collects on the floor or ground. Do not share nail clippers, shoes, socks, or towels with other people. Wear breathable shoes such as flip-flops or sandals often. Do not put on wet shoes as fungus thrives in moist, dark conditions. For more information, talk to a professional like Oregon Foot Clinic.
